There are swimming pool companies and then there are multi-award-winning swimming pool companies! Opulent Pools are most certainly the latter, a swimming pool company which prides itself on decadent design flourishes and an acute attention to detail. We guarantee an exquisite swimming pool which always exceeds all expectations.
We use only the finest materials and always go the extra mile to ensure a level of client satisfaction which is unrivalled. Which is why you need look no further amongst swimming pool companies in Sussex, swimming pool companies in Surrey and of course, far beyond!
The cachet of a swimming pool from Opulent Pools is built upon refined designs combined with the highest quality materials, components and workmanship.
Here are seven reasons you should take the plunge and invest in your very own swimming pool.
Transform the look of your property and create a focal point that gives you that wow factor. Something you can’t take your eyes off! Having your very own swimming pool a short sashay from your breakfast table will redefine the way you think and feel about your home. As a leading light in swimming pool companies in Sussex and Surrey, our dedicated team will ensure you won’t be disappointed with the new addition to your property.
A swimming pool won’t just redefine the way you think and feel about your home. It will redefine the way you think and feel in your home! Mojito Mondays, Take a Nap Tuesdays, Wine Wednesdays, Thinking Thursdays, Freediving Fridays, Sunny Saturdays and Sunset Sundays.
Rethink those everyday routines and revolutionise every day of the week, with your swimming pool as your inspiration.
Keeping the kids entertained and hosting family and friends all become simple when you can boast a swimming pool amongst your list of home amenities. As one of the leading luxury swimming pool companies in Sussex and Surrey, Opulent Pools are experts in curating hours of endless fun in the swimming pool of your dreams. Designed to your specific needs and specifications, our contemporary swimming pools can provide family fun all year round.
There is something soothing about the sound of flowing water. Attaining a pensive, contemplative mood can be a challenge, particularly in the non-stop flow of sensory overload we expose ourselves to on a daily basis. However, a routine so simple as to relax by your swimming pool can provide a haven from the busyness of life. Take ten, dip your toes in and breathe.
The fitness benefits of your own swimming pool are second to none. Timing laps, underwater swimming or simply having a splash and paddle will all raise your heart rate, making you fitter and burning those all important calories at the same time. With little pressure placed on your joints, swimming is low impact exercise which will strengthen and tone your muscles. Build a swim into your daily regimen, and set yourself fitness goals which you never imagined possible in your pre-pool life!
Whilst the physical activity of swimming will bring clear and tangible fitness benefits, it is also great for your mental health too. Regular swimming can improve memory, cognitive function and mood. It can decrease anxiety and leave you feeling great! Having your own swimming pool can have a dramatic effect on your mental health. Find your inspiration as your backstroke your way to creative solutions.
Swimming Pool companies such as Opulent Pools can not only transform the look of your property, but the value too. As a multi-award-winning swimming pool company in Sussex and Surrey, we are responsible for raising the value of countless properties through our bespoke and elegant swimming pools. And if you ever did decide to move on, what better way to secure a sale than by seducing potential buyers with the splashing sounds of your modern and opulent swimming pool.
View the process from start to finish of how we go about building and finishing our luxury swimming pools…